Monday, July 30, 2007

Pollute Blood

Pollute Blood
We are told that the "sons of god" (fallen angels) interbreed with the human race. Their objective was to undermine the first prophecy in the Bible.
This prophecy stated that from the seed of a woman would come one who would crush the head of the serpent.
This was the foretelling of Jesus, the Son of God and God the Son, who would become incarnate through the human lineage to redeem mankind. (Gen 3:15)
By contaminating the human bloodline they tried to head God's plan off at the pass. They were only eight people away from success. Although nothing is mentioned in this text of strange sights in the skies, or flying saucers,
the activity behind these events are. This hybridization of the human race with non-human entities is in no uncertain terms described.
The theory goes something like this: Very soon after the Fall of man, the protoevangelium (the promise that the seed of the woman would bring forth a child [Jesus] capable of destroying the serpent's [Satan's] power) was given in Genesis 3:15.
In response to this promise, supernatural beings (fallen angels) appeared from the heavens and performed reproductive experiments on human women.
Why? To pollute their offspring. By corrupting Hebrew DNA, they would cut off the birth line of the Messiah.
all were currupted all but Noah had been infiltrated with by the nephilim bloodline, Noah was found perfect in his generation. gen 6:9
PERFECT here is ... "tamiym"=without blemish, sound, healthful, without spot, unimpaired. This term is always used of 'physical' blemishes, not moral ones.
This indicates that Noah was unique, His geneology was not 'tarnished' by this intrusion of fallen angels!
Satan nearly succeeded in wiping out redemption. By the time Noah and his kids came along, they were the only humans left with DNA not corrupted by intermarriage with Nephilim and their offspring.
This is what was meant by Noah being 'perfect' in his generation (a word commonly used in the Bible to refer to 'unblemished' sacrificial animals). His perfection was physical and DNA related, not moral.
This brings a whole new light to the Great Flood. In order to preserve the human race - and the lineage of the Messiah - God had to destroy all but Noah and his clean DNA.
But don't celebrate yet. A second school of thought says Satan and his alien-force are not done. They're planning a second wave. A coming invasion. One that's accompanied by "...fearful sights and great signs [read UFOs]...from heaven" (Lk 21:11).

The rebel angels intended to thwart God's plan for the earth by destroyingthe descendents of Adam.
Satan's goal in organizing the nephilim / humanhybridization program was to pollute the bloodline that would produce Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer.
Now that it is so closeto the end times, satan has orchestrated human/rebel angel interactionon a grand scale. The plan is now to prevent any flesh from being saved.
By gentically manipulatinghuman genetics, whether through the guise of "alien abduction" or by supplyingwilling mortal accomplices with the proper technology... there is currentlybeing created humanoid hybrids who are not-quite-human.
These genticallyaltered humans are no longer Sons of Adam, and no longer able to be savedby the Redeemer. The second wave of hybrid "nephilim creation"is satan's last effort to destroy all Sons of Adam, so none can beredeemed when Jesus Christ returns.
When we study what other UFO researchers have discovered and documented, and then begin to compare that with what the Bible has to say, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that UFO events are a staged deception.
often UFO activity is accompanied by paranormal activity and vice versa suggesting a connection between the two types of phenomenon
according to certain Bible scriptures, a race fallen angels came to earth and mated with earthwomen to produce hybrid creatures:
giants, monsters, the stuff of our folklore and myth
the Greeks saw these creatures and gave them godlike status
did the Greeks see them? They believe enough in them to capture their exploits in myth and poetry, and erect statues in their honor.
history has too many unbelievable accounts of strange creatures for it all to be untrue.
If the Sons of God were experimenting with genetics in order to alter their gene structure so that their offspring would be genetically superior, it makes sense that such genetic experimentation probably began with lower life forms.
The logical pattern of genetic research is to begin with single celled life forms, (prokaryotic cells), extend to insects, then reptiles, and then finally mammals, (eukaryotic cells). Once the desired results are achieved with mammals,
the Sons of God might have then subjected themselves to this genetic manipulation in order to mate, and produce offspring with humans.
The resulting offspring would thus be designed to possess both superior angelic traits, i.e., supernatural power, as well as dominant biological traits, i.e., superior size, strength, and intelligence.
"What has been will be again ... there is nothing new under the sun..." Ecclesiastes 1:9
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth." Isaiah 24:21
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATANS TACTICS !!!!!!!!!!!!
the Nephillim were of satan and his fallen angels. It was just another plan of satan to spoil the bloodline to prevent the coming of the Messiah ( Jesus the Christ) that needed to be pure. Noah was one family with a bloodline that did not intermarry or mix their bloodline with the Nephellim. not only was Noah and his family saved from the flood because of their righteousness but also because of their geneology. That is specifically stated in scripture.