Monday, July 30, 2007

2007: Nuclear Attack and Invasion of United States –

2007: Nuclear Attack and Invasion of United States –

2007: Nuclear Attack and Invasion of United States –
Hugo Chavez - the 'Missing Link' to Nuclear Terror; MS-13 Gangs and Islamic Sleeper Agents 'Silent' Invasion Force in 3,500 U.S. Cities;
Can We Stop It?
– by Mark Lawrence - May, 2007 -

This may be a very deadly year for Americans living in the United States.
According to Hal Lindsey of Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has threatened to unleash an army of operatives already inside the United States, if the U.S. attacks Iran.

In other words, mass murder by armed gangs already in U.S. cities.

WND: Chavez threatens to 'unleash operatives' already in U.S.

MS-13, most likely the 'army of operatives' Chavez threatened to unleash, is the most violent gang in the United States, numbering in the tens of thousands, responsible for murders across the country and the subject of congressional investigations. At one point they were reported to be in over 3,500 U.S. cities.

Approximately 70,000 more are in Central America where many receive paramilitary training, and from the sound of things, have been sneaking in by the thousands from Mexico into the United States.

MS-13 gangs have set up in many American cities, and are reported to have created a national command hierarchy, with some gang members on the East and West coast reporting directly to and paying gang dues to leaders in Central America.

FPIF: MS-13 'command hierarcy' in U.S. cities

Now it gets scary.

Brigitte Gabriel, the author of "Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America," tells Larry Elder of "The Larry Elder Show" (a nationally syndicated daily talk show for ABC Radio Networks):

"We have terrorists coming through our borders. Al-Qaida is working with the MS-13 gang, smuggling al-Qaida terrorists into the country. Hezbollah is doing the same... We estimate thousands have already been smuggled into America... Hamas is here..."

Update: 5/9/2007
MSNBC: Hezbollah (Islamic radicals) build base in South America

In addition, MS-13 is reported to have smuggled in a variety of nuclear weapons for Al-Qaeda, including suitcase nukes and even a few nuclear missile warheads, and Al-Qaeda's arsenal may even be bigger than that.

Which is probably why a nuclear attack on U.S. soil is now considered the number one threat by Homeland Security.

If you live in America, you should be worried. If you're not worried, you're not paying attention.

The government is slowly telling us what's going on, but they're doing a great job of not creating panic. The threat is real. It can happen any day.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE: Cheney: Nuclear attack on U.S cities 'very real'

SAN. FRAN. CHRONICLE: United States drafts 'Day After' nuclear plan

L.A. TIMES: Bush orders contingency plans for nuclear attack on U.S.

Hugo Chavez - the 'Missing Link' to Nuclear Terror

Why the interest in Chavez?

Chavez, if you recall, made threatening remarks to the United Nations back in September of 2006, predicting the fall of the 'United States Empire', and also speaking Arabic, ending his heated speech with inshallah, which means God willing.

Why is the President of Venezuela, a country in South America, speaking Arabic? Why did he predict the fall of the United States?

CNN: Chavez predicts fall of 'United States Empire'

According to, Chavez has been reported by a defector to have given atleast $1 million to Al-Qaeda.

Obviously Hugo Chavez has ties to Iran, hence the threat to unleash operatives if the U.S. attacks Iran. He also has direct ties to MS-13 in Central America, with many originating from his own country, Venezuela. writes, 'MS-13 has ties to Adnan El Shukrijumah, a top al-Qaida lieutenant believed to be plotting new attacks against U.S. targets. El Shukrijumah had sought meetings with the Mara Salvatrucha [MS-13] gang leaders who control alien-smuggling routes through Mexico and into the United States.'

If this sounds crazy, that's because it is. Crazy. If news reports are correct, the United States is in immeninent danger of nuclear attacks and mass murder across the country.

Of course no country, especially Venezuela, wants to be linked to Al-Qaeda. The U.S. is a sitting duck for an Al-Qaeda nuclear attack because there is no country we can nuke back. Al-Qaeda doesn't have a return address.

You can bet though that a handful of countries would willingly help Al-Qaeda, as long as they can do it without being traced.

Like Iran. Like Chavez. Like Fidel Castro.

Foreign Nations Unite - Enter Fidel Castro

Plots against the United States may be a lot bigger than just Islam.

Two days ago Chavez met with his 'good friend' Fidel Castro, and this made world news. In fact CNN reports that Chavez is in frequent contact with Castro, who of course has been considered a long-time enemy of the United States. Coincidentally, Hugo Chavez is called Castro's protegé.

Ok, so where's the proof that there are 'plots against the U.S.'?

Well, we don't have any 'proof'. Just like in the days prior to 9/11. We didn't have any proof that 9/11 was going to occur. We knew that something was going to occur – but we didn't know what.

Cheney: Nuclear attack 'greatest threat we face'

The Chicago Tribune quotes Cheney as saying, "The fact is that the threat to the United States now of a 9/11 occurring with a group of terrorists armed not with airline tickets and box cutters, but with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities, is the greatest threat we face," he said. "It's a very real threat. It's something that we have to worry about and defeat every single day."

What Cheney didn't say, perhaps to prevent widespread panic, is that Bin Laden's plan isn't for one nuclear detonation in one city, it's multiple nukes in multiple cities.

Bin Laden calls this plan 'American Hiroshima'.

MS-13 Gangs and Islamic Terrorists

If Al Qaeda nukes us, it seems likely that MS-13 gangs will take up the fight as well, as MS-13 gangs are alleged to have snuck in thousands of Islamic sleeper agents into the U.S. First Brazil – where they receive fake passports and Hispanic last names – and then up through Mexico.

MS-13 gangs are reported to be in over 3,500 cities; they are in our cities, suburbs, and small towns. Wherever there are drug routes, and nowadays there are drug routes everywhere. We know they have access to guns. We also know they have a reputation for violence and murder.

And according to Brigitte Gabriel's book, there are thousands of Islamic extremists hidden among them.

If this is your first time hearing about the reported connections between Hugo Chavez and Al-Qaeda, or Al-Qaeda and MS-13 gangs, or Islamic sleeper agents disguised as Mexicans and hidden among MS-13 gangs, a number of links follow to articles on, as well as a link to Larry Elder's interview with author Brigitte Gabriel, that explain these ties:

- FBI chief warns of aliens from al-Qaeda-tied nations

- Al-Qaeda's U.S. nuclear targets

- Defector: Chavez gave $1 million to al-Qaeda

- Larry Elder interview with Brigitte Gabriel

Clues to Nuclear Apocalypse

Chavez has predicted the fall of the 'United States Empire'.

Chavez hates the U.S.

Fidel Castro is our long time enemy;

Chavez is Castro's protegé.

Chavez has ties to Iran – in fact Chavez threatens to 'unleash operatives' if the United States attacks Iran.

Big red flag.

Iran has ties to Al-Qaeda. Chavez is suspected to have ties to Al-Qaeda.

CNN (April 30) - Chavez tells world that Castro is 'in charge'.

CNN: Chavez: Cuban leader Fidel Castro is 'in charge'

What a random thing to say. Why does Chavez want the world to know that Castro is 'in charge'?

It's possible that support from other countries may depend on Castro being on the card.

Now, do we write off all these news reports as just coincidences, or at worst a rambling string of conspiracy theories?

Or do we realize that Bin Laden's plan for American Hiroshima is shaping up right before our eyes, and may be a lot bigger than just Al-Qaeda?

Bin Laden has promised to kill millions of Americans, and in the last four years Muslims have been warned multiple times to leave major U.S. cities.

2003: American Muslims Told to Leave Major U.S. Cities

2006: Al-Qaeda warns Muslims: Time to get out of U.S.

It's 2007. Time's up.

U.S. 'Invasion'

Considering that there are tens of thousands of MS-13 gang members throughout the United States, and who knows how many Islamic sleeper agents – once these nukes go off, I'm sure these gangs and sleeper agents are not going to be volunteering with rescue efforts. reports that a number of MS-13 gang members have had paramilitary training in Central America. So, here we are with tens of thousands of MS-13 gang members in 48 states, a number of who have had paramilitary training – what we have is an ultra-violent invasion force that is already here.

MS-13. Al-Qaeda. Hezbollah. Hamas.

They were already here – that was the plot to 'War of the Worlds', where we were attacked by aliens asleep in our cities, who were suddenly 'activated'. Are we in a similiar situation?

Islamic radicals disguised as Mexicans, hidden in our nation's cities among MS-13 gangs (the majority of who are illegal aliens), waiting to be activated by Bin Laden for one very deadly day of terror –

Considering that they're supposed to have nuclear weapons, this sounds more like the Book of Revelation in the Bible and the beginning of the 'End Times' – in fact, nuclear attacks on USA may actually be in Bible prophecy (see link at the bottom of this article).

Red Dawn

Once Bin Laden's suitcase nukes and missile warheads are laying waste to a few key cities, MS-13 gangs will probably become involved. They may attack police stations in the suburbs and small towns across the United States, and start killing Americans by the thousands with machine guns, like AK-47s.

These attacks may include children at elementary schools and high schools, as Bin Laden has made it clear that he wants to kill atleast two million American kids.

This may be a very bloody day for America...

Parts of our country may actually fall to foreign take-over.

Smoke will rise from our nation's largest cities, where nuclear suitcase weapons and missile warheads have been detonated across the country.

MS-13 gangs and Islamic sleeper agents are likely to go on a mass killing spree. Tens of thousands of these gang members and sleeper agents will have fled major cities prior to the nukes, and will fall on unsuspecting towns and suburbs. They are an ultra-violent invasion force that is already here...

And as long as our troops are tied down in Iraq, we don't have much of a military to defend ourselves. Even with what we do have, the United States is a vast country with numerous cities and towns spread out for miles in every direction. Many lack protection.

In addition, once the nukes are going off, many reservists are unlikely to report to duty. Small town cops will find themselves vastly outnumbered, their stations probably attacked in a series of ambushes.

Children executed at their schools. Wives and daughters raped and murdered.

Many towns and cities will be on their own, left to deal head on with the tens of thousands of MS-13 gang members and Islamic sleeper agents mixed in among them who have fled the cities in the days prior to the detonation of nukes.

MS-13 Exodus

When an earthquake shook the floor beneath the Indian Ocean in December 2004, the resulting tsunamis devastated the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries.

In the minutes before the tsunamis hit, birds and other animals were seen fleeing the coastline, heading inland.

If you see a large number of Mexicans and Muslims moving out of our nation's largest cities, like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston, and San Francisco, or if you work for the LAPD and one day notice that there are a lot less MS-13 gang members around, you might want to consider this a warning sign that Bin Laden's nukes are about to go off.

Or, if you live in a small town or suburb keep an eye out for a sudden influx of Mexicans – many of them may actually be MS-13 gang members from Central America, soldiers and assasins from Venezuela and possibly Cuba, and Islamic radicals from other foreign nations.

They might be playing Mexican music; they might be eating Mexican food; they might be driving a Mexican low-rider –

That doesn't mean they're Mexican.

Terrorist Drill

We need to protect our schools: At the elementary, high school, and college level across the nation. Military personnel should be kept highly trained for this exact scenario and close at hand, maybe even disguised as school faculty. Our children should be warned.

We have an earthquake drill, a tornado drill, and a fire drill; now it's time for a terrorist drill.

They are here to kill. They will most likely attack. But not all is lost...

Passion of the Christ

The Bible offers a way to be saved from the wrath that will soon come onto the world; a wrath that many Bible scholars say fast paves the way for World War III and the death of billions of people – and it starts with what appears to be a major nuclear attack and fall of the United States of America.

If you believe we're living in the 'end times', you're right, we are living in the 'end times'. However, we are a lot further into the 'end times' than most people realize.

If you live in the United States, it's time to prepare for a nuclear attack – better yet, it's time for you to pray (as those who pray have nothing to fear). And don't make the mistake of praying to one of the numerous false religions plaguing America – you need to pray to Jesus Christ to come into your heart, who died for your sins so that you can be saved from the coming wrath.

This is Satan's world.

God is about to destroy it.