Monday, July 30, 2007

Claim They Created Us 2

Claim They Created Us 2 we worship Aliens as “gods”?

This post was inspired by another thread on the alien board, but I didn’t want to hijack it into something the author didn’t intend. The other thread was about the 10 commandments and worshiping other “gods.”

I believe that when the alien presence is acknowledged world-wide, there will be many that will fall to their knees in worship.

Scenario: A large UFO lands on the White House lawn. The aliens announce, through CNN, FOX, BBC, world-wide media, that they have come back to check up on their creation (us). They give us cures to the current problems in the world (unlimited energy, medicine, and peace). They simply state that they seeded us on Earth 50,000 years ago, and now they have returned to see how we are doing, and give us a hand to help us over our current hurdle.

People begin to see them as our “creator.”

Much scientific theory is adapted to fit the new information.

Many religions fall.

A new religion forms that has all of the answers, and yes, people worship the beings as “gods.” After all, they have all of the answers to the questions that we have so desperately asked for 4000 years. “Where did we come from?” “Are we the only sentient life?” “Why are there so many religions?” “Are any of them correct?”

They give us peace for the first time in our short history. They state that they have been around since the beginning of time, they put us here, and they will be our new providers and protectors.

There will be MANY who believe.

The only problem is: none of it is true; they are the lying enemies of God (angels who tried to seize power.)

All who worship them (read believe them) will have angered the one true God. We will have done exactly what He warns us against doing so many times.

And it is the one crime that He will not pardon.

If you believe that it is possible that there is a “Creator,” then is it such a big step to believe that he may have given us a “Plan” to go (grow) by?

Is it so hard to fathom that that old book of scrolls and myth could actually be written (inspired) by our Creator and it is our blueprint for existence on this puny planet?

Alternatively, if you do not believe in a Creator, then will you believe the aliens when they state that they put us here? Will all of the scientific evidence finally click in your head, leaving you with only one conclusion: this must be true?

My thoughts on babysitting 6 Billion people, are that the aliens want to finish what they started when they tried to take over control.

They were kicked out, and we (Earthlings) were protected from their intrusion for a time. They could believe that by taking us “from God” by convincing us that what we believe or know, is false, they will in fact, take God’s most cherished creation away from Him. Kinda the ultimate revenge, so to speak.

we already have children obsessed with basketball, hockey, baseball, movie and music stars... idolizing them and treating them as Gods... Aliens would most likely be something pretty easy for people to fall for since there already used to it from tv etc..
Will society worship them? If society can worship movie stars, then why can't they worship powerful and more knowledgable beings from the universe with supernormal abilities. They were will be literally gods to us and so many in our society will worship them, idolize them etc.

It really depends on how the aliens present themselves, but any advanced race could easily take advantage of naive humans.

The Egyptians did it and so did a lot of other cultures back then until they probably discovered the truth, that they were false Gods and fallen angels
I am simply offering a scenario of how ”it” could all play out. I feel that the Earth is ripe for the picking, and a malevolent race of aliens (call them whatever you want to) could be part of the plan.

I believe that if we are told that we “have it all wrong,” or, “your God is not real,” or “your book is a fairy tale,” or, “Jesus was not God’s son,” it will be easy to decide who is who. It is said that the anti-Christ will deny Christ by saying the He was not God’s son, and that we have it all wrong.

Tying that back to the aliens, if they claimed that they created us, would that not be like claiming that they were our gods? It would be like they were denying the bible, claiming to be our god, and denying Christ, all in a single statement.

I think that a lot of people would completely change their beliefs to fit this new (false) “revelation.” The strange thing is, we are warned specifically that this will happen. Not specifically that aliens will do this, but that the “anti-Christ” will do this.

It seems that most of the people who have replied to this thread do not believe that they would be tricked into this scenario, but I have talked with many people who would accept aliens as their new “gods.”

They anticipate a day where their minds can finally be opened to the great wonders that are out there. They can’t wait to hear the new “truths” that will finally prove that the bible has it all wrong.

Many, many people believe this way.
Personally, I would say that they lied once, they are likely lying again. I guess it would probably shake a lot of people up. This is a VERY possible scenario too. That is my point, as well.

All hunger is now eradicated.

All wars have ceased.

All nuclear weapons have been seized, worldwide.

All disease can be cured.

We are here to help move you into the next phase, to enlighten you, extend your knowledge of everything.

You are not required to do anything, except accept us for what we are, your creators and new caretakers.

Please come by your local processing facility to receive your purchasing identification symbol and your personal unlimited energy device.

We have set up convenient locations in all major cities across the world.

We will help you in any way we can.

Life as you know it will be forever changed!


If He had made other intellegence that were gonna spring up and land telling us other stories about how we came about, don't you think He would have told us? Basically it goes back to fruit... what is the message they bring... It is all ANTI- GOD... Problem there the Word tells me.....
If ANYONE bring another message other than Christ let him be condemed... whether it be an angel or otherwise...


Gal 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Gal 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.

Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
We are special to the God... Read Genesis... He made us in HIS likness.. The point I am making is that if we are being "told other stories" about our creation..which by the way is what the alien intrusion is all about.... there IS a problem... IT IS against the WORD of GOD..
There IS major alien manifetation an their message is WRONG... "We can be gods"? It is not just Realian hypothesis.... It is a real problem in these last days... Don't be decieved or lead others in deception.. You have to draw the line on "what you think or feel ", it better be what THUS saith the Lord.. That is the ONLY rock we can firmly stand on...

I wouldn't be surprised if these "aliens" try to convince humans that they are here for our "evolution" or "progression" at this time.
One "alien" site I saw somewhere had some explanation by an "alien" that Jesus was in reality one of them. but of course that we Christians misunderstood his "real" purpose and message. So maybe more of that type of GIGO is coming.
The Bible talks about people in the end-times believing "the lie". Because of this overwhelming lie, many people will abandon the faith (apostasy). Actual alien landings may be that big lie. They will say, "we created you and seeded this planet". It will be a lie.

The end-times will be as the days of Noah, and that may mean aliens landing again. (reference the nephilim and rephaim).

This issue is the FOUNDATIONAL ISSUE that mankind must address - and they are refusing it. We have writers who are very popular, like Sitchin who are claiming that the Gods of Genesis were in fact SPACE ALIENS WHO CAME HERE AND CREATED MANKIND VIA DNA/GENETIC MANIPULATION, by taking HOMINOIDS (EARLY EVOLVED HUMANS) and manipulating their DNA/GENETIC CODING. It is flat out a lie of huge proportions - for God says no such thing ANYWHERE IN THE BIBLE, and in point of fact, SAYS JUST THE OPPOSITE. Yea, HATH GOD SAID should be ringing in the ears of the human race!!

Now the word create is an interesting choice of words, both in Hebrew and Greek - it means to FABRICATE, and when put into total context, to fabricate OUT OF NOTHING, BY COMMAND. Another word the Bible uses is the word MADE: "YEA, HATH GOD SAID"


Alien teach Jesus did not die on the cross for the sins of mankind.
The aliens deny this, plus every other Biblical doctrine. They teach that a person is ignorant until they realize that they have god within themselves. They teach that sin does not exist, but is an out-dated belief that is obsolete.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparing their message to the biblical record
The space messengers deny everything the bible teaches, but use its terms to their own fancy, hoping to validate whom they are trying to represent.
They say Christ is an energy/consciousness that we are all sons of God like he is. They teach an occult gospel of man on the evolutionary ladder toward being God.
The UFO occupants speak of reincarnation, pre-existence as spirits with evolution toward our goal as Gods. Since evolution is the accepted model of mans origin, why not have other civilizations who are springing up in an endless time frame.
They may be much further along the evolutionary scale than we are? There is a force or consciousness permeating all things throughout the universe, that all is God (pantheism). They promote communication with the dead.
They deny a hell and judgement. They promote themselves as guardians and protectors of the human race. That we are star seed, and they're the originators of our race coming back to check on our progress and development.

They will come bearing gifts, technology that supposedly will heal Cancer and AIDS, retard
aging, etc. They will tell us they are 'saviors of humanity' who have come to defend the earth against an invasion of man-eating aliens called Reptoids.
This story is a LIE, they already work for the Reptoids! Their plan is to unify the world into a One-world Government, a 'New World Order' with the argument that only this can defeat the invasion by Reptoids. This is a trap to enslave the world's population. Control will be accomplished through the money system, a universal currency controlled by certain international bankers, who for years have been lackeys of the aliens, who seized upon their greed and lust for wealth and power as a means to bring about their evil plan to control the earth. (This also being the scenario predicted in the Bible's 'Book of Revelation' wherein only those who accept the Mark of the Beast (the aliens being the 'Beast' and the 'Mark' being some sort of laser tattoo or Credit Card they will use, which will allow people to buy and sell goods). Those who do not accept this 'Mark' must live outside the money system and survive somehow on their own, through barter etc.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The God-Astronaut Theory --"Manipulating" Matter? — The Capabilities of Angels

it can affect one's personal relationship with God and our relationship with one another, especially when one begins to believe the anti-biblical messages the so-called aliens from other planets present to the unsuspected. Paul solemnly warns in Galatians 1: 8, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed - anathema, devoted to destruction, doomed to eternal punishhment." As I pointed out in my previous post, these so-called aliens are preaching another Gospel which says there is no punishment, no hell, no sin and therefore no accountability to God. Anyone who accept these so-called extra-terrestrial beings as aliens from other planets are opening themselves up to demons.