Monday, July 30, 2007

Claim They Created Us 3

Claim They Created Us 3

what will happen at the end when those who claim to be aliens (but are not) come down to earth.

Rev 12:7-9 - "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient
serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."

2 Thess 2:9-12 - "The coming of the lawless one (anti-christ) will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish
because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
Remember that Satan always did want to be Creator God. Claiming to be an advanced alien society that 'created' life on the earth is right in line w/ Biblical teaching.

Isaiah 14:14 - "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."

The 'powerful delusion' is already starting.

This is an interesting topic. I have dicussed this with others before, and have a question that relates to this.

Why do these "aliens" deny the existence of God and the divinty of Jesus? Why come all this way to tell us that our religious beliefs are wrong? Why not impart something useful like a cure for aids or cancer. Or perhaps give us a free form of energy that is clean. I never hear of anything useful coming from these "aliens."

Instead, what I do hear, from those who claim to be in touch with them, is that these "aliens" claim to be the creator of the human race. Yet, they seem to know so little about human nature. My conspiracy attuned mind sees deception at work here.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthquakes, Solar Flares, Hurricanes, War, & The Coming Of An E.T. Savior!

i think theres something to it. if ever a human soul was truly burdened - it was for want of the answers to the universe.

2 thought studies forever try to answer that question, and at first glance they cancel eachother out;

Religion (faith in God) and Science (UFOs- Aliens-Evolution)

Science doesnt even consider faith, just facts. proof. and as far as i can tell, religion has never endorsed the idea of evolution. if ever an alien race were to truly present themselves to humanity - the immediate assumption by most people would be that they were just another race that developed on some other planet and came over for a visit. this would re-enforce belief in Darwin, and stomp out a lot of faith in God. those with wavering faith would feel that science had finally 'won' - and they would forget God.

-the above *potential* situation paired with all the subtle warnings in the Bible really has me on my toes.

-if there was to be a 'grand-deception' capable of swallowing all of humanity it could be ET.

-to make my argument valid i wont plea for spiritual awakening, - just ask yourself honestly what ET has done for you - or for humanity. i am already convinced of their presence - the circumstantial evidence is abundant. but anyone who researches the subject is sure to hit a wall of confusion.

who is infamous for confusing?... lucifer

-the most reported encounter is of the 'greys', a race whose actions could only be described as demonic.

-UFO/ET phenomena has been in question for a handfull of decades now; name 1 thing that humanity has learned to be an absolute FACT about it?

-we cant do it. there are no facts. satan is a shapeshifter and will morph into the most believable lie at the moment. Satans ET card has already been played as far as im concerned. -know them by their fruits.
They will come and try to discredit the solid WORD of Yahweh, claiming that 'they' created us in clone tubes. This is a lie! Yahweh created us from the dust of the earth HIMSELF, and in HIS image. NOR are we duplicates (clones) of humans from other worlds. Satan hates this fact of truth, that we were created in Yah's image.
The coming alien invasion by the armies of the Antichrist-- Heaven there are 9 orders of angels-archangel,seraphim,cherubim,principalities,powers,dominions,thrones,virtues,and angels. When Lucifer (satan) fell, he drew 1/3 part of those angelic orders with him and that’s where we get the different alien races from. They call themselves aliens and ascended masters from galaxies far, far away here to help mankind clean up earth's atmosphere, they call themselves everything but who they REALLY are (fallen angels), but this is a total lie, they hate mankind