Monday, July 30, 2007

ET Message


Atmos of the Galactic Federation
on opening the Floodgates of Truth
8th November, 2005

If you have your ear to the ground you will know that the floodgates of truth are not just opening in America. Suddenly, other countries are joining the search for truth and the focus is the Iraq War. The last cabal are not quite under siege but the revelations are getting quite close to home, and making them feel very uncomfortable. They do not have enough fingers to block up every hole in the dam and know that the flood is about to start. It is now too late to cover their tracks, and some of their number will be sacrificed at the altar of deceit. When this happens people are prepared to fight their corner, and you will see some turn against their own. This will release confirmation of what you are beginning to learn through other sources.

You have waited long for the enquiries to be completed, and it will not now be rushed and undo the potential it has to bring the dark to justice. Unlike previous periods of this nature, there is a great light being brought to bear upon those involved in the covert actions that have led to a number of crimes against humanity. The power of the light breaks down the resistance to it, and it is bringing the truth to the surface. Because the dark have much to hide, their response cannot always take place openly otherwise their actions will confirm their guilt.

The pressure is on and will now continue unabated. The decision is about to be made regarding the next indictment, and this will release the potential to place the dark in an impossible situation. They never thought that the responsibility for actions would be made known in the public arena, and the determination of just one White Knight has brought this about. The dark are used to buying off people who get in their way, or even removing them totally. They cannot cope with someone who stands firm and flies the flag for liberty and justice.

At a higher level tremendous help and protection has been given. This is in order and any one of you can call upon the Light to guide you and protect you in your work. Look back in history, and ask yourself if Joan of Arc would have succeeded without divine help. Sometimes the result is already written in the annals of time, and is destined to manifest accordingly.

See what is happening now as simply a stepping stone to a greater event. It is time to reclaim your rights and a place in society that reflects your true self. You are sovereign Beings and will be accorded the respect and acknowledgement that are due to you. The past is being buried as we speak, and the new Light is shining in its brilliance and uplifting all to a level of pure Love. The goal is in your sights and this old reality is being transformed as the preparations are speeded up.

There is much to attend to that directly affects you and the Mother Earth. The plan allows for current events to come to their natural conclusion. Once the puppet masters of the dark are removed, an immediate cleansing will commence so that we can quickly move on to the next phase. Never fear that the task is too big, the means to efficiently handle it are readily available. As we have often told you, we approach your needs from a point where all of the advanced technology held by the Galactic Federation will be at our disposal. Millions of personal and mainly equipment will carry out their assigned tasks. Much of it will be directed from space and disruption of your activities kept to a minimum.

When we refer to cleansing it will go much further than you can imagine. Areas will be totally rebuilt in what you would call consumer friendly materials, and the gross edifices that blot your landscapes will be removed. Nature will take a greater place in your lives, and you will see much more open space even in what are now your centers. Our designs are intentionally pleasing to the eye, but even more because they will be in harmony with your environment. Each building will be self supporting and require no outside supplies and all will be self contained. You have your mobile homes already, but what you shall see in the future will also come to you fully equipped.

How much easier your life will become when you no longer have to work all hours simply to survive. There will be a different impetus born of the new approach to life, where you allocate your time doing that which pleases you and is creative. You will see a very different attitude emerge, and instead of feeling the need to compete against each other, it will be a time of co-operation. With this will come a greater degree of caring, and you will truly see that you are all Brothers and Sisters traveling the same path.

You have lived many lives in many different situations, and experienced different cultures all over the world. This knowledge and understanding is surfacing, and where you have believed that the differences have set you apart from others, you will find a common ground between the different races. We tell you that you are One with good reason so that the petty differences can be put aside, and that you can come together as one Human Race. Other points of contention that are rooted in religious differences will be explained in the light of bringing the One Truth to you through exalted and highly spiritual Beings.

Dear Ones, what at present may seem insurmountable problems are to be addressed quite quickly, and you will have no difficulty in accepting the guidance we bring. You are at heart friendly and loving people, and the dark energies that have created the many divisions between you will be removed. You who have been led will now become the leaders who shall guide Humanity to the glorious future that awaits you. You will be given the truth of your origins, and know the One God of All, your Creator.

I am Atmos of the Galactic Federation, and I come because it is time you prepared for the immediate future. It will be a wonderful time when many of your dreams come true. Peace will come at last, and the ravages of war will be removed along with their perpetrators. The Earth will become the new Garden of Eden and its beauty will surpass anything you have seen. I close with Love and Blessings to you all, from your many friends who are excitedly waiting to come into the open to meet you.

Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey

(They will claim to be the messiahs of the world when really they wish to harm us.)

The coming alien invasion by the armies of the Antichrist-- Heaven there are 9 orders of angels-archangel,seraphim,cherubim,principalities,powers,dominions,thrones,virtues,and angels. When Lucifer (satan) fell, he drew 1/3 part of those angelic orders with him and that’s where we get the different alien races from. They call themselves aliens and ascended masters from galaxies far, far away here to help mankind clean up earth's atmosphere, they call themselves everything but who they REALLY are (fallen angels), but this is a total lie, they hate mankind.