Five US cities targeted for judgment
Vincent Xavier
This message was inspired after going to a rally in Sacramento last week. While preparing to go to the Capitol Building the Holy Spirit gave this word;
Acts 12:21,22 And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, [saying, It is] the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
SET DAY: taktos {tak-tos'} ordered, arranged, fixed, stated.
There comes a time oh kings of the earth and governors that you too shall be judged as in a moment! I have heard your fair speeches in the public forums and have watched your hearts. Truly I have sent my angels to watch and they have been commissioned to strike as in a moment with ferocity, those who choose not to give glory to me. Yes a SET DAY, an appointed time is near to come to all kings and governors who will not bow their knees to me and give to me what is rightfully mine. You dishonor me when you pass laws contrary to mine! You take the glory unto yourselves when you approve what I have disapproved and when you qualify as good what I have utterly condemned! I have warned but you would not listen; know this day that your set day is near! You know not that all things are in my hands. You know not because you have fallen to the powers of darkness and have become blind leaders of the blind. But I AM not blind! I see your core! I see your attitude, agenda and motive! You have become respecters of men and not me and I will judge! On a day, when you least expect, yes even during your finest speeches, suddenly I will strike and you shall die!
You have taken unto yourselves the robes of human royalty and have thought yourselves to be of utmost importance in the eyes of men, but you are not in my eyes. I have allowed you to rule in the nations and among the people, but you have sought gain and control! You have lost your footing and are about to slip into the darkest places man has ever known! Think not that you shall join your fathers in the tombs, as though a job well done has been performed, for you know not that your fathers are murderers and liars, each one! You have been severed from the line of justice and have become a lineage of bastards! Dress yourselves with human royalty, but you shall never know mine!
ORATION: to address a public assembly, make a speech to the people.
Take heed governors and kings! You have been weighed in the balance and have been found lacking! You lack the genuine presence of the Most High God! Your fair speeches may sound like the voice of a god to the people but to me they are blasphemous! I see behind your words! I see your agendas! I see what motivates you, even greed and desire to make merchandise of the people. You are the Blind guides who are leading the blind people into a horrible ditch. I will smite you while seated upon your high thrones! I will take your pomp and power and smash it to the ground! Your bowels will gush from your bodies even as Judas who betrayed me in the days of his flesh. Your speeches are egocentric! Your speeches are devoid of my glory! Your speeches represent your ways and not mine! Your words shall fall to the ground! Your words shall not stand! I will blow upon them with the strength of my might and cause them to vanish away in the wind! My breath shall consume your words and they shall be burned up in the fire of my wrath!
You are entering into a long season of speech making, and I warn you now that every speech that does not glorify me shall be met with disaster! I have long stood by and listened to the plots and plans and schemes of darkness!
Who is my angel? Who is my messenger? I have watchers about the earth who are watching the ways of men. I have given commission and the sword is drawn! You see not that you have offended the Most High God! You leaders of America, especially those on the West, have opened the door of abomination and the flood of justice shall flow through! My rage will not be tamed! A fire has been kindled and it will not go out, for a devouring fire shall burn beyond the control of men and the damage shall be great!
You know not my heart, for if you did you would know that it is grieved! You see not my heart, for if you did you would see the pulsating passion that has been stirred against you! I have not forgotten what you have done to the innocent ones! I have not lost sight of your many sins! I have not been dumbed down by your flattery and fair speeches! I have not turned a deaf ear to your many hard speeches against me! I have heard the mocking! I have heard the scoffing! Like the king who sat upon his throne and was suddenly destroyed by my angel so now many kings shall lose their lives in a moment. You will think that the hijacking of several planes was a small thing when you behold with your eyes what I Am about to do! One governor after another will come down! One leader after another will fall to the ground! One pompous vain talker after another shall be exposed and cast down into the eternal fires of hell. You will think the assassination of men is occurring, but you will see that it is I the Lord God Almighty who has sent my angels with unsheathed swords to strike at the heart of kings and governors. I will silence the agendas of evil!
My heart is stirred and it cannot rest! My wrath is churned for I Am angry! Watch and see if the worms do not eat the flesh of kings! Look again to what I have said, for it is written that “THEIR WORM SHALL NEVER DIE!”
Leaders of America, because you gave me not the glory when you legalized the abomination of homosexuality and all kinds of perverse engagements, I WILL SMITE YOU, EACH AND EVERY ONE, EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE LEFT THEIR POSTS ALREADY!
Leaders of America, because you legalized the mass murder of over fifty million innocent ones, I WILL SMITE YOU, EACH AND EVERY ONE, EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE LEFT THEIR POSTS ALREADY!
Leaders of America, because you practice witchcraft in your secret places, I WILL SMITE YOU, EACH AND EVERY ONE, EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE LEFT THEIR POSTS ALREADY!
You have opened the door to my wrath and now will it come with fury!
Vincent Xavier
I am a bit undone in sending this announcement, yet I am resolved to say what the Spirit has shown and spoken.
The Lord showed me in a very sober way that the White House, The Capitol building and the president of the United States are coming under a severe attack. The inhabitants of Washington D.C. will run through the streets as did the inhabitants of New York City on 9-11. The Lord has put a hook in the mouth of terrorist organizations that are here in the United States to carry out an assassination plot and to detonate bombs in Washington D.C. A massive explosion will take place in Washington D.C. at any moment and the life of President George W. Bush is now on High alert as he has been targeted for death.
I am shocked that the congress of the United States would pass bills that are yet contrary to the mind and will of God. God will remove the man that has power to Veto the bills that are the will of the majority in this hour. The will of the majority in congress will pass and the judgment will strike.
There will be a revolution in Israel as the seed of Phineas say’s NO MORE! The Jews in America will understand the attacks against the U.S.
I remain awed by the fact that unredeemed men in high places are tempting God in this matter. These are evil men and women who have their own agenda and have forgotten the agenda of God. The wild man in the earth (ISHMAEL) is running loose through the streets of America. He is shopping at the same stores, driving the same cars and is concealed by outward façade. That façade is being removed and the true nature of this beast is manifesting.
God has put it into their heart to destroy! What we call terrorism and or terrorists have been ordained by God to tear down, uproot and destroy America. Terrorists are not bothered by so called revivals in America. They are not moved by Christians rallying together for America, for they have been commissioned by God to attack and destroy. All the fasting, praying and gathering on behalf of America is short-sighted and mis-guided. All of this activity has not prevented abominable bills from being passed. The mountain of evil that is rising in the land will suddenly emerge and the will of Satan shall be accomplished, as far as worldly things are concerned. The only true praying and fasting that will avail anything is the PREPERATION OF THE BODY OF CHRIST FOR THIS HOUR OF JUDGMENT THAT IS COMING UPON THE WHOLE EARTH!
In the beginning of all things God created, designed and decorated the universe. He created the stars, moon, sun as well as the heavens and the earth. Oh what majesty was in his creation! For five days he filled the earth with all good things then on the sixth day he created and designed a man after his likeness and after his image and told the man to take the decorated earth and make it even better. Work it. Sin entered into the world (decoration, the orderly arrangement) and defiled it and corrupted it. So much was the corruption that God chose a man named Noah to build an Ark because he (GOD) was going to destroy the world (the decoration, the orderly arrangement of things). As we know the Lord God brought a flood into the world and destroyed every living thing. He destroyed the old décor! He brought forth Noah and his family into a NEW WORLD, yet because of Sin the world has never been decorated properly.
The Lord has ORDAINED a people to destroy the earth (the orderly arrangement and present decoration of the world)! How can anyone look at this world through the eyes of God and think it is good? God sees this world and its present décor and hates what he sees. He hates the abortion, the homosexual perversion, the lust, the unholy desire, the violence and all of the corruption of sickness disease and death. The worlds’ present décor is ugly! God has ordained some men to tear down the present décor. Yes the Terrorists as we call them have a hook in their mouths and they have been sent into the world to destroy it. They are now in America and they are going to begin to pull the strings that have the power to undo this nation in one day. God is going to overthrow the present décor by bringing total destruction to it. No one in their right mind of Christ can desire this present world to continue. The stench of filth is everywhere and the smell of vomit flows through the streets of the world. The Devil has no doubt SPEWED OUT OF HIS MOUTH, and God also has vomited out and is vomiting out of his mouth the lukewarm Laodecian church in the earth today. Why are they called LUKEWARM? Because they are neither hot nor cold. There burns no holy passion to change the world. Even under the Old Testament a man named Phineas had the guts, or the holy passion to put an end to the curse that was prevailing in the camp of God, so he took a spear and thrust it through the Israelite man and the Canaanite woman. The plague of death stopped. God admired the man and said his seed would be blessed forever. The seed of Phineas is about to release In Israel, while the Islamic terrorist backed by Russia are about to explode in wrath against the United States of America. Mark these words. It will not be long before the White House, The Capitol Building and the President of the United States are hit with a ferocity they have never known could come. There will be an attack against the White House and the Capitol Building and the inhabitants of Washington D.C. will run through the streets as did the inhabitants of New York city on 9-11.
Washington D.C. is near to collapse! The house shall fall and the nation shall go into a tailspin that will cause it to face the reality of its demise.
Yes the time has come for a redecoration of the world.
Vincent Xavier
Why do so many keep silent? Why is the majority silent concerning the corruption and iniquity that has risen in the nation? Where is the boldness to go forth and contend with the abomination that causes desolation? Why does not the church take action against the powers of darkness that have established themselves in governmental and political positions? Why do the homosexuals and Lesbians hold seats of authority within the government of the United States? Is it not because the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah has arisen once again? Indeed it is so! The spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah has grown and taken root in America and laws are being passed to silence the voice of the only people in the earth that could withstand this movement. Where is the CRY? Where is the vexation of Lot? Where are the righteous that weep and mourn and groan for the condition of America? There is no cry because the people have exchanged their righteousness for riches. The Gospel of gain has been preached and the wolves in sheep’s clothing have fleeced the flock. Rich men have taken the place of righteous men and riches have taken the place of righteousness. The spirit of Esau has arisen in the land and many have sold their birthright for a momentary blessing of temporary prosperity. Many have been rejected of the Lord as ICHABOD has been written upon the doors of MANY churches in America. Yes it is the MANY that have been led astray with the error of the wicked. Yes it is the many that have been caught away by the flood of iniquity that pours forth out of the Serpents mouth. Yes it is the many that have been caught in the trap of Apostasy.
The distress cry for help is growing within the ranks of a remnant that have been vexed everyday by the filthy conversation of the wicked. The movie industry makes light of the days of Noah, yet the Word of the Lord remains the same and tells us that the day of Christ shall be as the days of Noah and Lot. Homosexual perversion has dominated the industries of music, the arts, governmental and political structures, television and educational facilities under governmental control. Yet the silence in America is deafening. No one knows what to do! No one knows how to handle the issues at hand and some are trying to undo things through the political and governmental channels. Yet the blindness is so deep that those who are fighting their causes are fighting with the very Beast that has ascended to his throne in America. America is not the America of sixty years ago. America is not the America of Fifty years ago! America is not the America of even forty years ago! The America of today has been taken control of by the Anti Christ powers that have set themselves in other dominions around the world.
The world is quickly and will suddenly be lassoed into the corral of a One World Government and when it appears it will be too late for anyone to do anything about the problem. There must come forth a CRY, not for more prosperity or wealth, but a cry of distress to the Lord God Almighty at this time. When Righteous Lot CRIED unto the Lord the Lord heard his cry and went forth to destroy those five cities that had become an abomination to God. Gods’ response was to destroy those five cities and I tell you now that there will be five cities on American soil that will be destroyed at the appointed time. The Spirit of prophecy say’s that the appointed time is now and that there is a season and a moment within the now that will release the destruction upon the cities that have been appointed for destruction. These five cities will show that the Grace of God has been lifted from the nation as a whole. These five cities will be those that have allowed the agendas of evil men to prevail. Cities that have allowed the continual Murder of the innocent shall be destroyed. Cities that have legislated and passed laws contrary to God will be destroyed. Cities that have practiced the lawless acts in the face of God will be destroyed. Cities that have advocated the evil lust shall be destroyed and cities that have built themselves up to heaven shall be destroyed.
These five cities; Washington D.C., Wichita Kansas, Los Angeles, Ca., San Francisco, Ca. and New York City will be destroyed as the foundation of these cities will burst wide open and dissolve causing the entire structure that has been built upon the foundation to fall.
The detonation of nuclear weapons will take place from beneath the earth. These weapons are hidden underground in these cities. Watch for an Exodus from these cities and know that the time is short.
Prepare for these events and understand that there will be survivors that will go through these times and will usher in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. When God spoke to Abraham about what he was going to do to Sodom and Gomorrah, it was not the end of what God was doing with Abraham. This is a day of gross darkness and glorious light. I pray that the Light the people are walking in is not their own, but truly the light that shines from the Christ within who is Jesus.