Esu Immanuel on the Initial Stages of Change, through Jess 21st June
*Esu Immanuel on the Initial Stages of Change*
*through Jess*
/21^st June, 2007/
/Esu, this is the Solstice with new energy coming to Earth. I ask for
comments this evening that I can share with others. I ask for clarity
and guidance in the next few days and weeks. Speak to us to direct our
progress in this time of change. /
Jess, this is Esu. I speak to you this evening with words of comfort and
assurance that your trials are almost over. You may tell your readers
that we are at a position now to begin the initial stages that will
result in the changes they seek. Some details are still to be resolved,
but the decisions have been made and the time frame is in place, to use
your terminology. We expect to begin the changes as soon as these last
resolutions are completed.
We can't tell you what these are, at this point, but we can say that the
money you seek is ready to be distributed. This is contingent upon steps
being taken to remove the existing banking system and to eliminate the
un-Constitutional stipulations and restrictions that have been placed on
fair commerce. This will be announced as part of the series of
instructional broadcasts that will begin as soon as the period of stasis
is completed.
You all have heard now about this event. It is designed to allow
unhindered access to some of Earth's most glaring problems. This will
enable the Galactic Forces involved with this part of the planetary
restructuring to focus on several threats that must be eliminated
quickly and completely. This work is beyond the present capability of
Earth's inhabitants, but it must be accomplished before Earth can safely
ascend to a higher level of Universal involvement with her inhabitants
in tow. This will involve removing the ozone layer to allow greater
energy to come in from the sun, cleaning up some of the more toxic
repositories in the oceans and in the land in certain places, and
monitoring the level of tolerance Earth's inhabitants have for the
increased energy.
As you have been told, the increased energy will have some effects that
many will find hard to accept. A large number of the population will
choose to leave Earth for various reasons. This is not a matter of
arbitrary selection of a percentage of the inhabitants. This involves
those people whose physical shell will not be able to tolerate the
higher energy. This includes those people who have made conscious
decisions in their lives to turn against the Light. Their bodies are
characterized by disease or by mental and emotional fixations that
contradict the Universal Law. They have chosen not to accept help on a
higher spiritual level and will be allowed to go elsewhere to continue
as they wish to be. The sense of loss upon waking up from the stasis
period will be mitigated to an extent by the surge of unobstructed
positive energy that will be noticeable. The spiritual joy you will feel
will give anew some of objectivity and awareness of the reason for these
This act of intervention is immediately upon you. You have asked for
definite schedules that are fixed in your frame of reference. This still
is not possible. We look at the end result and weigh the options of
getting there. The process and the method takes precedence over a
schedule of fixed times. We do this because circumstances can cause an
event to materialize more quickly than we had projected. This is why our
dates are fluid. We always project a tentative point when something
could happen, but we reserve the right to change this tentative date to
accommodate unexpected interferences. You ask why we can't anticipate
this as all-knowing gods and masters. The simple reason is that the
future is constantly being created; it is not fixed and you have a
co-creational role to play in determining how your own future shapes up.
You are here experiencing the lessons on Earth. We are learning from
you, because this situation is unique and has never been experienced
before. We observe and assist as you create. There have been remarkable
things that have been learned up to this point and the future you
determine will be the result of your past experiences.
I say to you this evening that the time is now and that the fruits of
your labors are ready to be harvested. Prepare for this to happen. Be
ready for the next phase to begin.
Esu, Planetary Prince of Urantia in Nebadon
(They will claim to be the messiahs of the world when really they wish to harm us.)
The coming alien invasion by the armies of the Antichrist-- Heaven there are 9 orders of angels-archangel,seraphim,cherubim,principalities,powers,dominions,thrones,virtues,and angels. When Lucifer (satan) fell, he drew 1/3 part of those angelic orders with him and that’s where we get the different alien races from. They call themselves aliens and ascended masters from galaxies far, far away here to help mankind clean up earth's atmosphere, they call themselves everything but who they REALLY are (fallen angels), but this is a total lie, they hate mankind.